de inspiracion, de autenticidad.
La mayoria de las personas nunca
tienen la mision de ser autenticos
siempre dependen de los demas
de que alguien experimente algo
para ellos tambien hacerlo.
Pero no debe ser asi...Cada persona tiene la habilidad
para crear a su antojo..
asi se intimeiden por lo desconocido.
siempre hay mas...
The design is a source of creativity
of inspiration, authenticity.
Most people never
have the mission to be authentic
always depend on others
someone experiences something
for they also do so.
But it should not be so ... Every person has the ability
to create at will ..
so ... not intimeiden the unknown.
there is always more ...
of inspiration, authenticity.
Most people never
have the mission to be authentic
always depend on others
someone experiences something
for they also do so.
But it should not be so ... Every person has the ability
to create at will ..
so ... not intimeiden the unknown.
there is always more ...